[TFioS film] Fausse scène du script !
Posté par : Tom août 28, 2013

Voici une scène très étrange partagée par une certaine Sharkeye Jones...
Bel humour  ! ;) En gros, la scène raconterait comment Van Houten s'échapperait du musée Anne Frank avec le "trésor du musée". Une course poursuite s'en suivrait avec Hazel et Augustus à pied, en bateau et voiture pour finalement se finir dans une maison ou Van Houten  tiendrait les deux adolescents. Lidewij arriverait au dernier moment et le supprimerait avec Hazel prononçant des dernières paroles dignes d'un film d'action : "The world isn’t a wish-granting factory." !
The only scene I’m looking forward to is the one right after Van Houten steals the hidden treasure from the Anne Frank house and he and Hazel and Augustus have that intense foot/boat/car chase through Amsterdam. And they end up in that empty warehouse and Van Houten corners the kids. He kicks Augustus’s prosthetic leg and Hazel’s oxygen tank out of reach and he has his gun out and everything. All seems doomed until Lidewij crashes through the window on her motorcycle and knocks down Van Houten. And he loses his gun and Hazel scrambles for it. She points the gun at Van Houten while she gets hooked up to another oxygen tank that Lidewij brought with her. Augustus climbs into the motorcycle’s sidecar with the recovered treasure and Hazel climbs on the back behind Lidewij. Hazel still has the gun pointed at Van Houten and he’s looking all scared and he says, “Please, don’t shoot. I don’t want to die.” And she goes, “The world isn’t a wish-granting factory.” Then she shoots the oxygen tank that’s near his feet and it explodes and Van Houten is consumed by a fireball while Lidewij drives Hazel and Augustus the hell out of there.
That scene is going to be so badass.

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